Badrinath temple

Badrinath Dham- Badrinath Temple & Yatra Information

May 19, 2020

Badrinath or Badrinarayan temple is a Hindu dedicated to Lord Vishnu which is situated in the town of Badrinath in Uttarakhand, India. The temple and town from one of the four Char Dham and Chota Char pilgrimage sites. The temple is also one of the 108 Divya Desams dedicated to Vishnu. The temple is mentioned in ancient religious text like Vishnupurana and Sakanda purana. It is glorified in the Divya prabandha, an early medieval Tamil canon of the Azhwar saint from the 6th -9th centuries AD. Badrinath Shrine situated in Chmoli district of Garhwal Himalayas were opened at 4.30 am on Friday. Official said social distancing was maintained and only 11people including the priest, were permitted for the ceremony. The portal of Gangotri and Yomunotri were opened on April 26 and door of Kedarnath were opened on April 29. Earlier the portal Badrinath Dham were to open on April 30 but date was revised and fixed 15 May. Devotee will not allowed entry into the temple during that time. The decision has been taken in view of the guidelines issued by the centre amid the Covid-19 pandemic. The Char Dham Yatra the opening ceremony of four major temples in Uttarakhand is an important annual event attended by ten of thousands of pilgrimage but the extended lock down has cast it’s shadow on the processions this year. Only a handful of people were present during the ‘Kapat opening ‘ ceremony due to the ongoing nationwide lock down. The temple was beautiful decorated with flowers as the temple and it’s surrounding were decked with quintals marigold. Religious ceremonies were held inside the temple premises before it got opened for the devotee. State chief Minister Trivendra Singh Rawat and Governor Baby Rani Maurya are expected to offer prayer in the temple after its reopening. Actually Badrinath temple in Garhwal Himalayas were scheduled to open on April 30 but was delayed due to lock down Dharmadhikari of the Badrinath temple Bhuvan Chandra uniyal said. Badrinath situated between the two mountain harmed Nar and Narayan on the left bank of the Alaknanda river, is also famous for its picturesque locals. Badrinath town is also the part of panch Badri temple including Yog Dhayan Badri, Bhavishya Badri, Adi Badri and Vriddha Badri along with Badrinath temple. The Badrinath temple is devided into three parts, first, the Garbha Griha portion has its canopy covered with a sheet of gold and houses Lord Badri Narayan, Kuber, Narad rishi, Udhava, Nar and Narayan . Especially attractive is the one meter high image Garhwal moved the murti to present location of the temple. It represents Lord Vishnu seated in a meditative pose called padmasan. Second, Darshan Mandap, Lord Badri Narayan is armed with conch and chakra in two arms in a lifted posture and two arms in yogic pose. Badrnarayan is seen under the Badri tree, flanked by Kuber and Garuda,Narad, Nar and Narayan. Narad Muni is kneeling in front on the right side and is difficult to see. On the left side are Kubera the God of wealth, and a silver Ganesh. Garuda is kneeling in front, to the left of Badrinarayana. Third,is Sabha Mandap, it is a place in the temple complex where pilgrimage and pilgrims assemble. The main entrance gate of Badrinath temple is colorful and imposing popularly known as Singhdwar. The temple is approximately 50 feet tall with a small cupola on top, covered with a gold gilt roof. At the Badrinath Mandir gate directly opposite the main idol of Lord himself, is seated idol of bird Garuda. The picturesque Dham is easily accessible by motorable road and the Badrinath temple can be reached by walking alon an easy trek. The peak of Neelkanth stand strong spreading it’s mighty aura for all pilgrimage and travellers alike. Badrinath is a land of myriad legends each one only adding to the glory of this place. Along with these legends the snowy mountain peaks gracefully flowing Alaknanda river and incredible landscape create the perfect background to facilitate a spiritual connection.“If you want visit Badrinath Temple  our company  provides complete Tour  Package, book online from our site and gets instant discount”.

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